Todd And Marty Play House
Soap Opera Weekly
September 9, 2008
asks Marty to help him raise his grandchild (actuallytheir grandchild)
this week, which begs the question: What in theworld's going on here?
"He tells Marty: My daughter has agreed to let me raise the child,"sets up head writer Ron Carlivati.
she's like,'Are you kidding?' She doesn't know he's lyingabout
everything," explains Susan Haskell (Marty). "She says, 'I can'teven
walk and you are asking me to help you raise a child.' But as timegoes
on, she does want to help him because he's been so good to her. Onan
emotional level, bringing a child into the picture gives you afocus.
It's the idea of having a purpose."
Meanwhile, Todd crashes
Starr's Lamaze class and uses that forum --Starr, Blair and Marcie are
all there -- to apologize and declare thathe's becoming a better
person. "Starr believes him 10 times more than Icould, because Starr is
so close to Todd," admits Kristen Alderson(Starr). "Those are the exact
words that she has been dying for Todd tosay to her. They are a dream
come true."
Too bad Todd doesn't mean a word he's saying to Starr or Marty.
"He is lying through his teeth," confirms Trevor St. John (Todd). "Justbald-faced lies. It's great stuff."