Just The Facts
Soap Opera Update
What makes you see red?
"People mistreating one another."
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
"Go shopping in Paris."
What is your favorite indulgence?
"Ice cream - real ice cream."
What makes you laugh?
"Most of my scripts lately."
What is your biggest regret?
"Not investing in Disney."
What is your favorite television show?
"ALL MY CHILDREN. For some reason, many people think I'm on it!"
What would a perfect day consist of?
"Go for a run; get a massage."
Do you have any vices?
"I can't decide...indecision."
What piece of clothing do you refuse to part with? Why?
"Jeans my brother gave me. Because he's my big bro."
How would you like to be remembered?
"I would just like to be remembered."
What would people be surprised to know about you?
"I'd love to know that myself."